Call for Workshop

The IEEE/IFIP P2CWeek-14 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops/symposiums to be held in conjunction with the main conference. Prospective workshop organizers are invited to submit workshop proposals on foundational and emerging topics in areas relevant to this conference. The workshops/symposiums will provide an opportunity for researchers and industry practitioners to share their research results and practical development experiences on specific challenging and emerging issues.

A workshop proposal should include a proper title, an overview, workshop scope, information about the program, organizers of the workshop, a tentative list of members of the program committee, history of the workshop (if held previously by the same team), and short bios of all organizers. Workshop proposals should be submitted to the workshop co-chairs (to one co-chair or to all co-chairs), with the subject "IEEE/IFIP P2CWeek-14 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL".

The organizers of approved workshops/symposiums are required to announce the workshops/symposiums and their call for papers, form a program committee to review papers and decide upon the final program. The conference will provide workshop facilities including author registration, meeting room arrangement, coffee break, lunch, etc. Papers accepted for the workshops/symposiums shall be included in informal proceedings and be distributed in electronic form to the participants. Subsequently, the Workshop organisers will be called to propose Journal special issues to publish the best papers in appropriate journals.

Workshops/symposiums with more than 15 accepted papers will be granted with a free complimentary registration for the leading workshop organizer.

Important dates

IEEE/IFIP P2CWeek-14 Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Diana Goehringer, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (diana.goehringer AT rub DOT de)
  • Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, FORTH-ICS and TU-Crete, Greece (pnevmati AT ics DOT forth DOT gr)


If you need any further information, please contact us at